
Group picture from DDRN seminar 21 October 2015 introducing NARN and Globelics

There is no shortage when it comes to networks on development. DDRN will explore the various networks and what they can do for you. Below is an appetizer listing a few networks to be recommended. Click on the logos to go to their homepage.

FAU (the Association of Development Researchers in Denmark) was founded in 1982. The Association has the objectives to;

– Promote social science and other research about the third world
– Expand and strengthen the links between development researchers in social sciences, natural sciences and humanities
– Support dissemination of research results to a wider public.

FAU collaborates with other likeminded associations in Denmark, the Nordic Countries, Europe and globally.

New membership offer: Combine FAU membership and subscription to Forum for Development Studies (FDS). More information here.

A worldwide, open and diverse community of scholars working on innovation and competence building in the context of economic development.

Our major purpose? To contribute to academic knowledge creation and exchange in the field of innovation and development.

The purpose of NARN is to promote cooperation between Africanists in the Nordic countries as follows; – on one’s own or in cooperation with others organise exhibitions, conferences, meetings, lectures, seminars and training courses; – publish the Nordic Journal of African Studies; – collaborate with the Nordic Africa Institute in arranging the Nordic Africa Days; – deal with any other project as decided by the General Meeting.

Danida Alumni Network is for current and former Danida fellows, who have pursued Master’s or PhD degrees, or completed qualifying courses for professionals at Danish institutions of higher and further education.

To be accepted at the Danida Alumni Network Facebook and LinkedIn Group you will have to be a member of the Danida Alumni Network.
