REVIEW: Veronica Velasco’s Nuuk at the Copenhagen Asian Film Festival (CAFF)
Veronica Velasco’s movie 'Nuuk' (2019) has been described elsewhere as “The Filipino Take on a Nordic Noir Film”. To what extend this claim plays a role in choosing Nuuk for the Copenhagen Asian Film Festival's (CAFF) “Closing Gala Film”…
Mr. ENRECA and the Grant that Lifted Gulu University
In Gulu University’s history of nearly two decades, the story of ENRECA is told and retold with passion. The four-year Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) funded 10 million DKK project was the university’s turning point in many…
HIV and Malaria: A nation assured on drug safety
Standing at the entrance of the Faculty of Medicine at Gulu University, Dr. David Musoke looks a calm man. He has been waiting here for some minutes to receive a journalist from Kampala with whom they have only interacted through telephone…