no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

17 - Partnerships for the goals

What will Covid-19 mean for the future of development aid?

Covid-19 is the single biggest challenge which has confronted the planet since the second world war and its effect has been nothing short of devastating. Millions upon millions have lost their lives, Livelihoods have been shattered as the global economy has ground to a halt as a result of severe lockdown measures made by governments across the world to stem the spread of the virus. 
 Much like the last global crises, the financial crash of 2007-8, the fallout has exposed the gross inequalities…

Green Charcoal: Could Research at Gulu University Ignite a Biomass Energy Revolution in Uganda?

On a quiet Friday evening in March, Miriam Ajak, 23, stoops over the traditional three-stone stove in front of her hut in Lawiyeadul village, Laliya Parish, on the outskirts of Gulu City in northern Uganda, to prepare dinner for her extended family. As she pushes in the firewood, smoke slowly rises above the sooty stones and pans to shroud her entire body. Some of it enters her eyes. She grimaces in pain, picks up a makeshift fun and flaps it up and down to add more pressure to the fire. But the…

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) research capacity programs

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is an independent organisation of German higher education institutions and their student bodies, devoted to internationalising the academic system. Its guiding principle is “Change by Exchange” which not only refers to the students taking part in the programs, but also to strengthen the international community regarding global knowledge exchange. In an interview with Dr. Christian Hülshörster, who is the divisional director of the department for Global…

Leaving so many behind in the Covid-19 crisis

The Group of Seven (G7) - consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States - recently announced steps to globally facilitate “affordable access to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics” to minimize the risk of Covid-19 mutations. The announcement carried the slogan “no one is safe until everybody is safe”. While the development of vaccines has been accelerated at an unprecedented speed, the production, distribution and roll-out of vaccinating the…

AfricaLics (Part 1): South-North partnerships through the lens of AfricaLics

African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics) is the African regional network of the larger network Globelics. Founded in 2012- the network aims to connect scholars, researchers and policy analysts in innovation and development studies in Africa. This is the first of two articles about the organisation

The new do-tank “2030beyond” aims to get the SDGs back on the political agenda

According to the new do-tank 2030beyond, the SDGs offer a chance to emerge from the current crisis stronger and more resilient, on track to a world in harmony, where all people can lead a sustainable, productive and healthy life. But for that to happen, we need political leadership, says the founder of 2030beyond, Kirsten Brosbøl.

“MUCED should have been more ambitious”, says former MUCED coordinator Randolph S.…

In August 2000, MUCED, a consortium of four Malaysian universities, was formed to encourage new interdisciplinary approaches to environmental management. The consortium was part of a project proposed and supported by the DANCED program of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy. Randolph S. Jeremiah became the Coordinator in the Secretariat of MUCED. In this interview he points to some of the key experiences. Today, Randolph works as Head of Water Resources at ERE, a Malaysian consultant…