no povertyzero hungergood health and well-beingquality educationgender equalityclean water and sanitationaffordable and clean energydecent work and economic growthindustry, innovation and infrastructurereduced inequalitiessustainable cities and communitiesresponsible consumption and productionclimate actionlife below waterlife on landpeace, justice and strong institutionspartnerships for the goals

16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

Critical Voices in Science, Arts and Media are coming together

The Covid-19 pandemic has put freedom of expression under pressure in many fields. Ole Reitov, a Danish veteran in protecting artists’ free voices, looks at new forms of cooperation with cautious optimism while authoritarianism is growing in the world. Today, Friday December 10th, a paper about ”Critical Voices – UNESCO’s instruments in Defence of Freedom of Expression of Artists, Journalists and Scientific Researchers” has been published in Paris. The paper is prepared by the Permanent…

A magnificent and captivating exhibition

April 21st this year the museum by the name Louisiana that is located in Humlebæk, North of Copenhagen, opened a new exhibition by the artist and cinematographer Arthur Jafa. The exhibition continues until October 31st  2021. The title of the exhibition is “MagnumB” and it plays on the words; “magnum” (greatness) and “numb” (lack of emotion). I went to Louisiana to see it. It had been a couple of years since the last time I had visited Louisiana. So, when I took the trip, I was a bit unsure of…

Upcoming research: Accountability – What makes people do the right thing all the time?

Nadeem Salie is currently a guest researcher in the Centre for Global Criminology at the Department of Anthropology. The centre is a research organisation independent from policy or law enforcement agencies. In 2015, Nadeem came to Copenhagen as a Visiting PhD Researcher, and spent seven months at UCPH’s Department of Anthropology. Nadeem returned to UCPH in December 2016 to complete his research. Nadeem was awarded his PhD in Law from the University of Cape Town in 2018

From coca to cacao agroforestry – a sustainable livelihood strategy in the Peruvian Amazon

‘’Plato or Plumo’’. There is no other way I could start this article than by mentioning the famous intimidating words of Pablo Escobar, the drug lord who reigned not just Colombia but entire Latin America in the 1970s. It literally translates as ‘Silver (bribes) or Lead (bullets)’ in Spanish. The phrase itself says how ruthless the drug cartels were in those times. More than two decades after his death, cocaine still lurks as a livelihood strategy for many households in the region.

Farmer-herder conflicts in Ghana: repercussions on livelihoods and state-building

How is it like to live a life in a country where there is a complex and dynamic tenure system which always leads to tensions between the farmers and the herders? Relishing the Danish summer, Suhiyini Issah Alhassan, and Daniel Kojo Leon Brenya Yeboah, talk about their DANIDA funded Ph.D. project on the recurring farmer-herder conflicts in Ghana that has worsened over the past few decades.

New research 2021: How do the young in West Africa navigate streams of information in times of…

The Independent Research Fund Denmark - Humanities has granted DKK 1.2 mill. to an international network of researchers, who will explore how young people in West Africa navigate streams of information in crises of security, health, and migration. Project leader: Heidi Bojsen, Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University

New research 2021: Illegal resource extraction and state formation in emerging African democracies

The Independent Research Fund Denmark – Social Sciences has granted DKK 2,7 mill. to Postdoc Paul Austin Stacey, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University. Illegally accessed resources comprise an expanding, billion-dollar sector in many sub-Saharan African countries. The new project is focusing on illegal gold mining in Ghana.